Sunday, September 7, 2008

outdoor art festivals...

    so those who get my newsletters and follow my blogs know the 'shows' are new to me since 2007. i've done a few of the larger indoor expos but i have also been doing more and more outdoor art festivals and we've really been enjoying ourselves. (perfect for me because i LOVE being outdoors!) i have meant to show pics of my booth shots from the last show and didn't get a chance yet.. finally uploaded them. below is one of my booth shots from the highwood show we did. we ended up having to get a locking showcase --- people were stealing my books... and not just the little ones.. the large 160 pg 11" x 13" too.. very bizarre.. don't get how people can do that.. but whatever. anyhoooo i had a really great weekend (i'll blog about it tomorrow) getting ready to go watch me some britney (*fingers crossed it's better this time around!! LOVE MY BRITNEY!!)

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